These were taken as the bands made their way to the Judge's stands |
Enjoy the scenes from old mas( Jouvert) |
Revellers enjoying themselves |

The carnival season is now in full gear and the people on the island are attending various shows this week all leading up to Monday morning jouvert,but it cannot be compared to that of Trinidad, New York or Toronto Caribana. I must say it was something I had to see and compare the other parades to and make a comparison to where Grenada carnival stood.As you can see from the pictures that I have posted it was around 5:30am in the morning and the bands were just starting to get organized, all in all the music was loud as the calypso music was being played.The revellers were just having a great time working up their bodies and sweating as they went along. The favourite part of the morning was the way they dressed in skimpy outfits some just wearing a bra and underwear, but all having a great time, in order to walk between them one had to dress in old clothes so that when any of the masquerader's touched you or even pass close to you, which you can have paint on you clothes can be discarded. I can only say this, most revellers did enjoyed themselves, during the festive season of the carnival. I can say this much about the people of Grenada they know how to get a party going and how to enjoy herself, most of the Grenadians that played mas say that it was well put together but because of the economic situation it was not as spectacular as previous years, but hope next year is better than this year's masquerade, to appreciate what carnival is all about you have to be here on this beautiful island of Grenada they call the Isle's of Spice.The pictures you are looking at was taken on Jouvert morning early and later in the morning around 7 :45 am enough said it was something that i have not witnessed in quite a long time and I am glad that i had the opportunity to come back to Grenada and see for myself what it was all about.
I can hear the music.