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Friday, August 27, 2010

History on the Town Of Sauteurs in Grenada

This is where the Carib's believed to have jumped
The town of Sauteurs is located on the North side of the island in the parish of St. Patrick's. The town got its name from an historical event that took placed in the mid-seventeenth century. The  French were fighting the Carib inhabitants for possession of the island. The Carib warriors facing defeat, ran to the cliff overlooking Sauteurs Bay and leaped to their death,rather than surrender.
"The town of the Leapers". The catholic Church now stands on that site today. Imagine what it would take today for you to jump off the precipice to your death in today's era, now imagine the tragic event that took place over Three Hundred years ago.
Another shot showing a possible jump off point
Grenada's inhabitants before the French and English colonisation were Amerindian Carib Race. In 1651, after much struggle for control of the Island the Carib's were driven and forced to the North of the island, it has been reported that about over forty Caribs leaped over the cliff to their death.

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